When planning to grow tomatoes in your garden, selecting the right varieties is crucial. Factors such as size, flavor, disease resistance, ease of cultivation, and maturation time play an essential role. Here are some tips, selection criteria, and recommended varieties to make the most of your garden.

Which Tomato for Which Purpose?
With over 40,000 varieties of tomatoes worldwide, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Start by clarifying your goals:Avant de choisir les variétés, il semble important d’être au clair avec vos objectifs.
Do you want tomatoes for:
- Snacking in the garden
- Preparing hearty salads
- Making sauces
- Stuffing
- Drying or confiting
- Long-term storage
- Educational gardening projects
- Creating buzz-worthy Instagram posts

Terroir and Climate
- Every region has its plants and local specialties for a reason—some crops simply thrive better in specific environments.
- In windy areas, opt for dwarf or determinate growth varieties and consider growing them under protection.
- In mountainous regions, go for early or mid-season varieties, avoiding late ones.
- In arid regions, water is your primary limiting factor. No water, no thriving tomatoes. Invest in water storage solutions like soil humus or cisterns to boost productivity.

Disclaimer: Taste is subjective and can vary depending on soil and cultivation methods.
That said, genetics heavily influence a tomato's flavor, and not all tomatoes are created equal. Some are outright disappointing.
Here’s a breakdown of different taste profiles:
- Classic flavors: “A good, old-fashioned tomato taste” (Rose de Berne, Riccio di Parma)
- Sweet: “Like little candies for snacking” (Green doctor frosted)
- Big and sweet: Ideal for salads or reducing acidity in sauces (ananas)
- Complex flavors: Often found in marbled varieties, perfect for “fireworks on your palate” . (Copper river, everett's rusty oxheart)
- Acidic: Adds a tangy pop to your dishes green zébra)
- • Tomatoes with unexpected flavors: For surprising your (Babyllon's glow)
Early varieties are perfect for regions with short summers, maturing in just 55–70 days after planting. Examples: Gregory Altaï (decent) (less impressive). While early tomatoes often sacrifice flavor for speed, good compromises include Taïga Blush.
The best strategy? Grow a mix: a few early varieties for a quick harvest, with the bulk reserved for mid-season and late varieties that bring richer flavors.
Tomate Taïga, variété Canadienne de Karen Olivier
High yield often comes at the expense of flavor. Varieties like Money Maker and Merveille des Marchés are productive but bland. Better compromises include Goldman's Italian American, Dr Whyche’s Yellow or Smiley worms.For premium varieties with low yields, consider grafting onto vigorous rootstocks (topic for a future article).
Hardiness (Not "Resistance")
Claims of “blight resistance” or “drought tolerance” should be approached with skepticism. While some varieties are less susceptible than others, no tomato is immune. Blue varieties, while less prone to disease, often lack flavor. If you’re in a blight-prone area, focus on early varieties like Taïga or Polaris to harvest before the disease strikes.
Special Case: Elongated Tomatoes
Long tomatoes are prone to blossom-end rot. While there are ways to mitigate this (article coming soon), grafting onto robust rootstocks is the most effective solution. Sensitivity varies among varieties:
From most to least sensitive:
- San Marazano 1/10
- Cornue des Andes 2/10
- Green tiger 4/10
- Tulip yellow 5/10
- Drapée 5/10
- Prolifique de Falissole 7/10
- Smiley worms 7/10
- Tulip 8/10
- Boxer Rebellion CTR Strain 9/10
- Yellow Fire 9/10

Beauty is subjective, but certain varieties have a universal “wow” factor.
However, aesthetics often come at the expense of taste. Varieties like Voyage or Curly Kaley. are visually striking but better suited for ornamental purposes. These unusual types are excellent conversation starters, especially for those unfamiliar with the diversity of tomatoes.
Why Are Blue Tomatoes Often Disappointing?
Blue tomatoes originate from a single cross developed in 2004 (OSU PE20), which is known for its poor flavor. While taste is gradually improving, it’s still far from ideal. Notable exceptions, like La Cadéro, Pascal de Picardie or Rebel star fighter prime). offer hope, but overall, blue tomatoes remain underwhelming.
Heirloom vs. Modern Varieties
This debate thrives on polarization. Both heirloom and modern varieties have their hits and misses. Some heirlooms (Marmande) are lackluster, while some modern breeds everett's rusty oxheart or Jipaulia) marmandeare exceptional. The choice should be about flavor, not era, though preserving heirloom varieties is vital for biodiversity.
Ease of Cultivation
Not all varieties demand equal attention. Easy-to-grow tomatoes, like kootenaï, violet jasper or champagne. are reliable but not extraordinary. On the other hand, fragile varieties like ananas zébra, lucky tiger or San Marzano require skill.
Grafting is highly recommended for these delicate plants.
To read our article on tomato grafting.
Top Tomato Varieties for 2025
Our Selection of the Best Tomatoes
(Ranked from a panel of "only 500" varieties in our collection)
Our Top 20 Best Salad Tomatoes
- Everett's rusty oxheart: One of the best tomatoes that exists!
- Ananas noire: Fruits with incredible complexity.
- Rojo verde (bicolore de Jarl): A tomato with an exceptional look and taste!
- Ananas zébra: The best of the Ananas and Green Zebra in one tomato!
- Ananas zébra vert: The "little sister" of the Ananas Zébra, just as beautiful and tasty, with a different sugar/acidity balance.
- Dr whyche's yellow: Juicy and sweet fruits.
- Taïga: Beautiful, tasty, early, and resilient!
- Fred SGDB: A fireworks display on your plate!
- Orange russian 117: A classic yet effective variety.
- Bunte pflaume: A subtle mix of sweetness and acidity.
- Almantinskiy trikolore: Our 2023 favorite!
- Midnight sun: A very sweet tomato.
- Captain Lucky: A gentle blend of sweetness and acidity.
- Muddy Mamba: Complex flavors with a high dose of sweetness.
- Brad black heart: Adds richness to sauces.
- Zolotye Gory medeo: A magnificent heart-shaped tomato with a slight honey flavor.
- Uluru ochre: A dwarf tomato with subtle flavors and a unique "terra cotta" color.
- Sirop d'érable: An incredibly sweet tomato.
- Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (Malachite box): One of the best green tomatoes.
- Jaune du Lac de Bret: A sweet, buttery orange Swiss tomato.
Our Top 10 Best Sauce Tomatoes
- Riccio di Parma: An ancient, tasty, and productive variety.
- Goldman's italian american: The best taste-to-yield ratio.
- Sabre Ukrainien: Tasty, productive, and with good resistance to blossom-end rot.
- Cherokee purple: A rich black tomato flavor.
- Jaune du lac de Bret: Sweet with firm flesh.
- Berkeley tie dye heart: Style and flavor!
- Ananas: Primarily a salad tomato but adds a touch of sweetness to sauces.
- Smiley worms: XXL production.
- Tulip: A tomato with firm flesh.
- Brad black heart: Adds richness to sauces.
Our Top 10 Best Cherry and Cocktail Tomatoes
- Karma miracle: One of the most complex-flavored cherry tomatoes.
- Lucky tiger: A gem with subtle flavors.
- Green Doctor Frosted: A sugar bomb, a real candy!
- Musk Zébra: A tangy tomato with a punch!
- Pink ping pong: A delicious classic tomato flavor.
- Dancing green fingers: Tastes like green apple.
- Barry's Crazy: A multiflora tomato with gigantic clusters!
- Sweet cream: A sweet bomb.
- Barbaniaka: A flavor explosion in miniature.
- Cote d'zébra: A quirky "terra cotta"-colored tomato.
- (Bonus) Petit moineau: Kids' favorite for its small size and abundance (but definitely not the best flavor...).
Our Top 10 Tomatoes for Mountain and Short Seasons
- Taïga: The best balance of flavor and earliness.
- Blush: One of the earliest to ripen.
- Champagne: An "indestructible" and sweet tomato.
- Barbaniaka: Early and hardy.
- Petit moineau: A Canadian variety that grows anywhere.
- Polaris: A Canadian variety with a rich black tomato taste.
- Gregory Altaï: One of the few flavorful early varieties.
- Barry's Crazy: Very robust.
- Sunrise Bumblebee: Great fruit and a sturdy plant.
- Galapagos: A surprisingly sweet wild tomato.
Our Top 20 "Freaks" Tomatoes
- Curly Kaley: A dwarf tomato with kale-like leaves.
- Nimu: A dwarf tomato with variegated foliage.
- Babyllon's glow: A mango-flavored tomato.
- Tulip yellow: A banana-shaped orange tomato.
- Lucinda: A tomato with carrot-like leaves.
- Voyage: A multi-segmented tomato.
- Tulip Yellow: Another banana-shaped tomato.
- Primary colors angora: A blue tomato with fuzzy leaves.
- Zolotyye Gory Medeo: A honey-flavored tomato.
- Stick: A tomato with pompom-like foliage.
- Mooncalf: The blue "stick" tomato.
- Zolotaya kanareyka: A tomato with a pointed nose.
- Dancing Green finger: Tastes like green apple.
- Drapée: A hollow, pepper-shaped tomato.
- Nina neutron: A micro-dwarf tomato only 15 cm tall.
- Pendulina red: A hanging dwarf tomato that grows downward.
- Ussuri tiger: The ultimate Instagram-worthy tomato.
- Purpura rits: Another incredible-looking tomato for "likes."
- Panachée: A tomato with albino-like variegated foliage.
- Smiley worms: A tomato with a... unique shape.

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